About us

Law firm Burgas

Specialized in various areas of law, we can provide assistance and advice on various types of legal matters, including administrative cases, criminal cases, civil cases and employment disputes.

  • Criminal cases
  • Protection of road accident victims
  • Administrative cases
  • Protection of victims of work accidents
  • Civil cases
  • Defense against government authorities
  • Lawsuits against insurance companies
  • Appeals against criminal orders

lawyer Borislav Yankov

As attorneys, we understand that dealing with legal matters can be tiring and stressful.

We are here to help you navigate the complex world of law and achieve the best possible results for your case. Whether it's a personal injury claim, divorce, criminal prosecution or other legal case, we have the expertise and experience to help you navigate the process and protect your rights.


We protect your rights to protect your future. Your voice in the legal system.


Law firm
Borislav Yankov


Criminal cases

Ефективна правна защита при престъпления и нарушения.

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Protection of road accident victims

Legal support in traffic accidents.

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Administrative cases

Assistance in disputes with administrative institutions.

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Protection of victims of work accidents

Legal support for work accidents and compensations.

See more

Civil cases

Defense and representation in disputes related to civil law.

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Defense against government authorities

Legal assistance in conflicts with state institutions.

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Lawsuits against insurance companies

Legal protection in disputes with insurance companies.

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Appeals against criminal orders

Help with appeals against sentences and orders.

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Quality legal assistance and consultations.

If you have any questions or would like to book a consultation, do not hesitate to contact us

Quality legal assistance and consultations.

Specialized in various areas of law.

Individual strategy

An individual strategy applied to your specific needs and goals.

Your voice in the legal system

Rest assured that your legal case is in good hands.

In our work, we adhere to high professional standards and strict ethics. We have extensive experience in various areas of law and are ready to tackle the most complex legal challenges.

If you are looking for a reliable partner to help you with your legal case, we are here to help.


Contact us

Do not hesitate to contact us.


Contact us


    georgi dimitrov
    georgi dimitrov
    3 май 2024
    Професионално отношение !
    Emil Stoev
    Emil Stoev
    16 февруари 2024
    DiDi Alexandrova
    DiDi Alexandrova
    16 Август 2023
    Буквално, най-добрия. 👍👍👍
    Пламена Хаджиева
    Пламена Хаджиева
    11 Август 2023
    Препоръчвам адв. Янков, изключително компетентен с добра преценка над нещата. Благодаря за бързата и лесна комуникация, както и за напълно точните правни консултации. Със сигурност бих работила отново с вас!
    Claudia Butnaru
    Claudia Butnaru
    10 юли 2023
    Great comunication !! He solved the case fast , very serious and understanding ! Thank you very much
    Дамяна Петрова
    Дамяна Петрова
    28 юни 2023
    Професионализъм , коректност и компетентност към казусите по които съм се обръщала към него . Видимо приема работата си не само като задължение . С две думи – човек и професионалист . Не се колебайте да потърсите неговата помощ за вашите правни проблеми .
    Венелин Вълчев
    Венелин Вълчев
    23 юни 2023
    Абсолютен професионалист.
    Nursel Mustafa
    Nursel Mustafa
    20 юни 2023
    Щастлива съм , че избрах да се доверя на адв.Янков , помогна ми да спечеля случая без никакви усложнения.Много съм благодарна за чудесната работа и подкрепа. Ако имате нужда от адвокат , това е правилното място !! Чудесно отношение и професионализъм.
    Tihomir Makaveev
    Tihomir Makaveev
    20 юни 2023
    Един път адвокат винаги ми е обърнал внимание каже ли ще свършим работа значи го имай за свършено.

    Вашето мнение е ценно за нас!

    Споделете вашата история и помогнете на други да ни открият.

    Кликнете по-долу, за да напишете отзив.

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